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대학원 전자전기공학부 2021 학년도 교육과정

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모집전형, 모집시기(예정), 비고로 구분
과목번호 과목명 영문명 학점 비고
ARIN710 강화학습 Reinforcement Learning 3-3-0
BMEE709 의용센서시스템 Medical Sensor System 3-3-0
CICE803 신호처리특론 Special Topics in Signal Processing 3-3-0
CICE846 인터넷기술특론 Special Topics in Internet Technology 3-3-0
COME701 공학논문작성법 How to Write Research Papers 3-3-0
COME731 프로그래밍언어특론 Topics in Programming Languages 3-3-0
COME764 임베디드시스템특론 Adavanced Embedded Systems 3-3-0
COME770 자동차비전 Vehicular Vision 3-3-0
COME824 컴퓨터비젼특강 Topics in Computer Vision 3-3-0
COME825 암호학특론 Advanced Cryptography 3-3-0
COME831 멀티미디어특론 Advanced Multimedia 3-3-0
COME835 가상현실특강 Topics in Virtual Reality 3-3-0
COME836 신경망특강 Topics in Neural Network 3-3-0
COME837 정보보호특론 Advanced Information Security 3-3-0
COMP716 계산지능 Computational Intelligence 3-3-0
COMP720 기계학습 Machine Learning 3-3-0
COMP730 소프트웨어공학특론 Advanced Software Engineering 3-3-0
COMP737 운영체제특론 Advanced Operating Systems 3-3-0
COMP739 인공지능특론 Advanced Artificial Intelligence 3-3-0
COMP743 정보보안 Information Security 3-3-0
COMP748 컴퓨터망설계및분석 Design and Analysis of Computer Networks 3-3-0
COMP750 컴퓨터비젼 Computer Vision 3-3-0
COMP771 데이터마이닝특론 Advanced Data Mining 3-3-0
DEEE000 학위논문연구 및 연구윤리(전자전기공학) Dissertation and Research Ethics : Electronic and Electrical Engineering 3-3-0
DEEE722 로봇비젼 Robot Vision 3-3-0
DEEE725 음성신호처리실습 Speech Signal Processing Lab 3-2-2
DEEE726 오디오신호처리실습 Audio Signal Processing Lab 3-2-2
DEEE727 의료영상복원 및 처리실습 Medical Image Reconstruction and Processing Lab 3-2-2
DEEE728 통계적 추론 및 기계 학습 Statistical inference and machine learning 3-3-0
DEEE729 뇌신호처리실습 Brain Signal Processing 3-2-2
DEEE730 청각인지 및 음향심리 Auditory Perception and Psychoacoustics 3-3-0
DEEE731 지능제어 Intelligent Control 3-3-0
DEEE732 심리색채공학론 Visual Psychological Color Engineering 3-3-0
DEEE733 6G 무선 통신 기술 6G wireless communication technologies 3-3-0
DEEE734 고급적응신호처리 Advanced Signal Processing 3-3-0
DIEE744 차세대이동통신특론 Advanced Next Generation Mobile Communication 3-3-0
EECS711 임베디드 기계학습 Embeded Maching Learning 3-3-0
EECS712 임베디드 비파괴단층진단 Embedded Non-destructive Tomographic Diagnosis 3-3-0
EECS713 임베디드 분광시스템 Embedded Spectroscopy System 3-3-0
EECS714 인공지능기반 의료영상처리 AI based Biomedical Image Processing 3-3-0
EECS715 적층제조세미나 Seminar for Additive Manufacturing 3-3-0
EECS716 의료·바이오시스템 Medical·Biological System 3-3-0
EECS901 직류전력변환시스템 DC Power Conversion Systems 3-3-0
EECS902 이상신호 분석 및 처리 Fault Signal Analysis and Processing 3-3-0
EECS903 지능형센서융합 Intelligent Sensor Fusion 3-3-0
ELEC701 디지털신호처리 Digital Signal Processing 3-3-0
ELEC702 전자회로론 Advanced Electronic Circuits 3-3-0
ELEC706 컴퓨터조직론특론 Advanced Computer Organization 3-3-0
ELEC710 시스템온칩설계방법 System on Chip Design Methodology 3-3-0
ELEC712 생체전자공학특론 Advanced Bioelectronics 3-3-0
ELEC714 비디오공학론 Advanced Video Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC715 컴퓨터그래픽개론 Introduction to Computer Graphics 3-3-0
ELEC716 컴퓨터비젼개론 Introduction to Computer Vision 3-3-0
ELEC718 VLSI신호처리 VLSI Signal Processing 3-3-0
ELEC720 시스템온칩구조 System on Chip Architecture 3-3-0
ELEC723 하드웨어프로그래밍 Hardware Programming 3-3-0
ELEC726 RF집적회로설계 RF Integrated Circuit Design 3-3-0
ELEC727 박막물성특론 Special Topics on Properties of Thin-Film 3-3-0
ELEC731 선형계통론 Linear System Theory 3-3-0
ELEC732 최적제어 Optimal Control 3-3-0
ELEC733 디지털제어시스템 Digital Control Systems 3-3-0
ELEC734 로봇제어특론 Advanced Robot Control 3-3-0
ELEC735 퍼지제어시스템 Fuzzy Control Systems 3-3-0
ELEC736 견실제어이론 Robust Control Theory 3-3-0
ELEC738 전력전자공학 Power Electronics 3-3-0
ELEC740 임베디드시스템을 위한 소프트웨어공학 Software Engineering for Embedded Systems 3-3-0
ELEC741 디지털통신특론 Advanced Digital Communications 3-3-0
ELEC743 확률과정론 Advanced Probability and Random Process 3-3-0
ELEC744 영상통신 Visual Communications 3-3-0
ELEC745 정보이론 Information Theory 3-3-0
ELEC746 부호이론 Coding Theory 3-3-0
ELEC747 음성신호처리 Speech Signal Processing 3-3-0
ELEC748 영상신호처리 Digital Image Processing 3-3-0
ELEC749 데이타공학 Data Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC750 멀티미디어SOC설계 Multimedia System on Chip Design 3-3-0
ELEC751 분산처리시스템 Distributed Processing Systems 3-3-0
ELEC752 대기이론 Queuing Theory 3-3-0
ELEC753 이동통신시스템 Mobile Communication Systems 3-3-0
ELEC754 컴퓨터통신망특론 Advanced Computer Networks 3-3-0
ELEC755 통신소프트웨어 Communication Software 3-3-0
ELEC756 멀티미디어공학특론 Advanced Multimedia Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC760 임베디드의료기기설계 Embeded Medical Devices 3-3-0
ELEC761 전자파공학 Electromagnetic Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC762 광파공학 Light Wave Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC763 마이크로파계통 Microwave Systems 3-3-0
ELEC764 마이크로파소자 Microwave Devices 3-3-0
ELEC766 전파이론 Theory of Wave Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC767 광섬유통신이론 Optical Fiber Communication Theory 3-3-0
ELEC768 광파측정 Light Wave Measurement 3-3-0
ELEC769 광신호처리특론 Advanced Optical Signal Processing 3-3-0
ELEC771 위성통신시스템 Satellite Communication Systems 3-3-0
ELEC772 양자전자공학특강 Topics in Quantum Electronics 3-3-0
ELEC773 광도파소자 Optical Waveguide Devices 3-3-0
ELEC774 이동통신특론 Advanced Mobile Communication 3-3-0
ELEC775 디지털VLSI설계 Digital VLSI Design 3-3-0
ELEC776 네트워크기반제어시스템 Networked Control Systems 3-3-0
ELEC777 데이터마이닝개론 Introduction to Data Mining 3-3-0
ELEC779 생체광공학 Biophotonics 3-3-0
ELEC780 소프트컴퓨팅개론 Introduction to Softcomputing 3-3-0
ELEC781 전자물성 Electronic Properties of Materials 3-3-0
ELEC782 양자전자공학 Quantum Electronics 3-3-0
ELEC785 반도체소자특성 Electronic Properties of Solid-State Devices 3-3-0
ELEC787 박막기술 Thin Film Technology 3-3-0
ELEC788 화합물반도체 Compound Semiconductor 3-3-0
ELEC801 형태인식론 Pattern Recognition 3-3-0
ELEC803 디지털영상합성 Digital Image Synthesis 3-3-0
ELEC805 신경회로망 Neural Networks 3-3-0
ELEC807 생체신호해석 Biosignal Analysis 3-3-0
ELEC810 전자장론 Electromagnetic Field Theory 3-3-0
ELEC811 신호해석특론 Advanced Signal Analysis 3-3-0
ELEC812 컴퓨터비젼특론 Advanced Computer Vision 3-3-0
ELEC817 아날로그회로특론 Advanced Analog Circuit Design 3-3-0
ELEC819 실시간시스템 Real-Time Systems 3-3-0
ELEC820 소프트컴퓨팅특론 Topics in Softcomputing 3-3-0
ELEC822 정보통신특론 Advanced Communication & Information Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC823 제어기술연구동향 Frontiers of Control Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC826 삼성반도체특강 Special Lecture of Samsung Semiconductor 3-3-0
ELEC827 고장진단모니터링 Fault Diagnosis and Monitoring 3-3-0
ELEC828 계산지능응용 Computational Intelligence Application 3-3-0
ELEC829 차량통신과네크워크기술 Vehicular Communications and Networks 3-3-0
ELEC830 차량용운영체제 Vehicular Operating System 3-3-0
ELEC831 적응제어 Adaptive Control 3-3-0
ELEC832 제어시스템컴퓨터설계 Computer Aided Design of Control 3-3-0
ELEC834 비선형제어시스템 Nonlinear Control Systems 3-3-0
ELEC835 다변수제어시스템 Multivariable Control Systems 3-3-0
ELEC836 전동기제어시스템 Motor Control Systems 3-3-0
ELEC837 지능로보트공학 Intelligent Robot Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC838 신경회로망학습제어 Neural Networks Learning Control 3-3-0
ELEC839 전력변환회로및시스템 Power Conversion Circuit and Systems 3-3-0
ELEC840 컴퓨터운영체제 Computer Operating Systems 3-3-0
ELEC842 최적화이론 Optimization Theory 3-3-0
ELEC844 유도제어론 Principle of Guidance and Control 3-3-0
ELEC846 Programming 실습 Programmimg Practices 3-3-0
ELEC847 컴퓨터지원 광기계 설계 Computer-aided Optomechanical Design 3-2-2
ELEC848 광학 시스템 설계 Optical System Design 3-2-2
ELEC849 바이오메디컬 시스템반도체의 이해 Introduction to Biomedical System Semiconductor 1-1-0
ELEC850 바이오메디컬 시스템반도체 융합심화설계 Advanced Convergence Designs for Biomedical System Semiconductor 3-3-0
ELEC852 인공지능응용 Artificial Intelligence Application 3-3-0
ELEC853 음성신호처리특론 Advanced Speech Signal Processing 3-3-0
ELEC856 정보보호시스템 Information Security Systems 3-3-0
ELEC858 통신망운용및관리 Network Operations & Management 3-3-0
ELEC860 3차원집적회로설계특론 Special Topics in 3-D IC Designs 3-3-0
ELEC861 산란파통신 Scatterwave Communication 3-3-0
ELEC862 통신기기설계 Communication Equipment Design 3-3-0
ELEC863 무선공학특강 Topics in Radio Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC864 장및파동 Fields and Waves 3-3-0
ELEC866 선형및비선형전파이론 Linear and Nonlinear PropagationTheory 3-3-0
ELEC868 복사및회절이론 Radiation and Diffraction Theory 3-3-0
ELEC869 밀리미터파공학 Millimeter Wave Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC871 전리층전파전파 Wave Propagation in Ionosphere 3-3-0
ELEC872 광통신소자 Optical Communication Devices 3-3-0
ELEC873 광파공학특강 Topics in Light Wave Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC874 집적광학 Integrated Optics 3-3-0
ELEC875 광연산 Optical Computing 3-3-0
ELEC876 디스플레이광학 Optics for Displays 3-3-0
ELEC877 에너지변환소자 Energy Conversion Device 3-3-0
ELEC878 유연성소자 Flexible Electronics 3-3-0
ELEC879 산화물전자소자 Metal Oxide Based Electronic Devices 3-3-0
ELEC880 메모리소자 Memory Devices 3-3-0
ELEC882 반도체공정기술 Semiconductor Fabrication Technology 3-3-0
ELEC884 고체전자수송론 Electronic Transport in Solids 3-3-0
ELEC885 고체소자이론 Advanced Solid-State Device Theory 3-3-0
ELEC886 센서공학 Sensor Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC889 광전자공학특론 Advanced Optoelectronics 3-3-0
ELEC891 반도체고속고주파소자 Principles of High Speed & High Frequency Semiconductor Devices 3-3-0
ELEC893 MEMS공학 Microelectronic Mechanical System Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC896 전자물성특론 Advanced Electronic Properties of Materials 3-3-0
ELEC897 전자재료공학 Electronic Materials Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC898 MOS소자이론 MOS Device Theory 3-3-0
ELEC899 디스플레이소자공학 Display Device Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC902 고속디지털회로 High Speed Digital Circuits 3-3-0
ELEC921 집적회로설계기술 Integrated Circuit Design Technology 3-3-0
ELEC924 아날로그VLSI설계 Analog VLSI Design 3-3-0
ELEC928 회로설계자동화 Circuit Design Automation 3-3-0
ELEC930 VLSI시스템설계 VLSI System Design 3-3-0
ELEC931 전력변환회로 Power Conversion Circuits 3-3-0
ELEC932 디스플레이시스템 Display Systems 3-3-0
ELEC934 오디오공학론 Advanced Audio Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC935 의용화상시스템 Medical Imaging Systems 3-3-0
ELEC936 의용화상처리 Medical Image Processing 3-3-0
ELEC938 화상시스템특강 Special Topics Imaging Systems 3-3-0
ELEC939 화상처리론 Advanced Image Processing 3-3-0
ELEC945 인터넷프로그래밍응용 Internet Programming Application 3-3-0
ELEC946 지능시스템설계 Intelligent Systems Design 3-2-2
ELEC947 컴퓨터그래픽스응용 Computer Graphics Application 3-3-0
ELEC948 광정보처리개론 Introduction to Optical Information Processing 3-3-0
ELEC949 CMOS 아날로그 회로 CMOS Analog Circuits 3-3-0
ELEC950 객체지향언어특론 Advanced Object Oriented Language 3-3-0
ELEC951 네트워킹기술특론 Recent Advances in Networking 3-3-0
ELEC952 암호학이론 Cryptography Theory 3-3-0
ELEC953 주기구조이론 Theory of Periodic Structure in Electromagnetics 3-3-0
ELEC954 주기구조특론 Advanced Theory of Periodic Structure in Electromagnetics 3-3-0
ELEC956 플라즈마전자공학 Plasma Electronics 3-3-0
ELEC958 안테나이론 Antenna Theory 3-3-0
ELEC959 안테나설계 Antenna Design 3-3-0
ELEC960 밀리미터파공학특강 Topics in Milimeter Wave Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC961 추정및추적 Estimation and Tracking 3-3-0
ELEC962 제어공학특강1 Topics in Control Engineering1 3-3-0
ELEC963 제어공학특강2 Topics in Control Engineering2 3-3-0
ELEC964 제어특강1 Special Topics in Control1 3-3-0
ELEC965 제어특강2 Special Topics in Control2 3-3-0
ELEC966 서보제어시스템 Servo Control System 3-3-0
ELEC968 제어시스템프로젝트 Control System Project 3-3-0
ELEC969 영상해석특론 Advanced Image Analysis 3-3-0
ELEC970 통신신호처리 Signal Processing in Communications 3-3-0
ELEC971 통신망설계및분석 Communication Network Design $ Analysis 3-3-0
ELEC973 컴퓨터연산특론 Advanced Computer Arithmetic 3-3-0
ELEC975 전력소자와응용 Power Devices and Applications 3-3-0
ELEC977 VLSI메모리설계 VLSI Memory Design 3-3-0
ELEC980 SOI기술 Silicon on Insulator Technology 3-3-0
ELEC981 나노기능성소자공학 Nano Functional Device Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC982 바이오마이크로전자공 Biomicroelectronics Engineering 3-3-0
ELEC983 반도체특성평가 Properties of Semiconductors 3-3-0
ELEC984 디지털영상처리개론 Introduction to Digital Image Processing 3-3-0
ELEC985 디지털영상처리특론 Advanced Digital Image Processing 3-3-0
ELEC986 확률제어이론 Stochastic Control Theory 3-3-0
ELEC987 바이오인포매틱스 Bioinformatics 3-3-0
ELEC989 기초현대광학 Fundamentals of Modern Optics 3-3-0
ELEC990 기술경영과 IT창업전략 Management of Technology and IT Start-up Strategy 3-3-0
ELEC991 임베디드광음향공학 Embeded Photoacoustic Tomography 3-3-0
ELEC992 의료광음향론 Medical Photoacoustics 3-3-0
ELEC993 ICT융합 모바일 광영상 ICT Fusion Mobile Medical Photography 3-3-0
ELEC994 차량 동적 모델링 제어 Vehicle Dynamics Modeling and Control 3-3-0
ELEC995 3D컴퓨터비젼 3D Computer Vision 3-3-0
ELEC996 미래형 자동차 기술 동향 1 Future Vehicle Technology Trend 1 3-3-0
ELEC997 미래형 자동차 기술 동향 2 Future Vehicle Technology Trend 2 3-3-0
ELEE701 전력계통제어특론 Topics on Power System Control 3-3-0
ELEE702 전력계통운용특론 Topics on Power System Operation 3-3-0
ELEE703 전력계통안정도 Stability of Power System 3-3-0
ELEE708 공진형전력변환 Resonant Power Conversions 3-3-0
ELEE734 전자장수치해석 Nemerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Field 3-3-0
ELEE737 전기기기제어론 Electric Machine Control 3-3-0
ELEE739 전력전자회로해석 Power Electronic Circuit Analysis 3-3-0
ELEE763 전동기구동시스템설계 Design of Electric Machine Drive System 3-3-0
ELEE765 전력계통계획 Power System Planning 3-3-0
ELEE769 전력품질 Power Quality 3-3-0
ELEE771 태양광발전시스템 Photovoltaic System 3-3-0
ELEE774 풍력발전특론 Topics on Wind Power Generation 3-3-0
ELEE779 마이크로그리드전원 Microgrd Sources 3-3-0
ELEE780 신재생에너지특론 Topics on New and Renewable Energy 3-3-0
ELEE784 응용전자기학 Applied Electromagnetics 3-3-0
ELEE791 스마트그리드통신 Smart Grid Communication 3-3-0
ELEE792 무선전력전송응용 Applied Wireless Power Transfer 3-3-0
ELEE819 광정보처리 Optical Information Processing 3-3-0
ELEE820 광생체단층영상시스템 Optical Coherence Tomography 3-3-0
ELEE821 광음향공학 Photoacoustic Tomography 3-3-0
ELEE822 바이오메디컬 시스템반도체 융합기초설계 Convergence Designs for Biomedical System Semiconductor 3-3-0
ELRI711 선형시스템해석과 제어 Linear System Analysis and Control 3-3-0
ELRI716 최적설계이론 Design Optimization Theories 3-3-0
ELRI717 전기기계설계 Design of Electric Machines 3-3-0
ELRI718 신뢰도해석 Reliability Analysis 3-3-0
ELRI724 고전력,고주파반도체설계 High Power, High Speed Semiconductor 3-3-0
ELRI725 고출력마이크로파시스템응용 Application of High Power Microwave Systems 3-3-0
ELRI728 나노바이오소자 Nano-Bio Devices 3-3-0
ELRI729 반도체양자수송론 Transport in Semiconductor Devices 3-3-0
ELRI731 전기공학특강 1 Special Lecture on Electrical Engineering 1 3-3-0
ELRI732 전기공학특강 2 Special Lecture on Electrical Engineering 2 3-3-0
ELRI733 전기공학특강 3 Special Lecture on Electrical Engineering 3 3-3-0
ELRI734 전기공학특강 4 Special Lecture on Electrical Engineering 4 3-3-0
ELRI735 전리기체특론 Theory of Ionization Gas 3-3-0
ELRI736 고전압공학특론 Advanced High Voltage Engineering 3-3-0
ELRI737 고전압응용특론 Advanced High Voltage Applications 3-3-0
ELRI738 정전기공학세미나 Seminar on Electrostatics Engineering 3-3-0
ELRI739 센서소자 Sensor Device 3-3-0
ELRI740 센서시스템 Sensor System 3-3-0
ELRI741 센서회로 Sensor Circuit 3-3-0
ELRI742 센서네트워크공학 Sensor Network Engineering 3-3-0
ELRI743 나노구조및소자분석기술 Characterization of Nanostructures and Devices 3-3-0
ELRI744 나노에너지하베스팅 Nano-energy Harvesting 3-3-0
ELRI745 연속체전자기역학 Continuum Electromechanics 3-3-0
ELRI746 다중물리계해석 Multiphysics Analysis 3-3-0
ELRI747 전자기열유체역학 Electromagnetic-Thermal-Fluidic Dynamics 3-3-0
ELRI748 전기응용기계역학 Mechanics for Electrical Application 3-3-0
ELRI749 전동기설계 Motor Design 3-3-0
ELRI750 전자기력특론 Special Lecture for Eletromagnetic Forces 3-3-0
ELRI751 CAE소프트개발세미나 Seminar for CAE Software Development 3-3-0
ELRI752 스마트그리드공학 Advanced Smart Grid Engineering 3-3-0
ELRI753 전력경제특론 Advanced Power System Economics 3-3-0
ELRI754 제어이론특론 Topics on Contorl Theory 3-3-0
ELRI755 전력계통운영및제어 Power System Operations and Control 3-3-0
ELRI756 대형전력계통해석기법 Analysis Techniques for Large-Scale Electrical Systems 3-3-0
PHYS826 나노광학 Nano Optics 3-3-0